Multi-Level marketing or MLM is built on a business model wherein people are molded to work and create networks on their own around a certain business. This type of business model is very different from the rest of the traditional model that the world is using. This model is entirely different from the basic transactions like buying and selling. The Multi-level marketing involves leverage marketing, pyramid selling or network marketing. As the name suggests its meaning, MLM is consist of a workforce that sells products and at the same time refer new workforce as other means to receive two compensation plans, namely; a compensation from the product they sell and compensation from their referrals' sales.
In MLM, majority of the distributors or sellers task is to get people to join in the bandwagon. Though this may sound an illegal scheme to many listeners, MLM is more about building people and giving them the same success stories as what the top distributors and sellers are having in the business industry. MLM is about getting connections and nurturing the said connections but only through building a reliable market brand, so as to gain the trust of many individuals.